Professional Profile

Alan-AtKisson-headshot-informal-2024Alan AtKisson serves as Executive Secretary and CEO of the Global Water Partnership, an intergovernmental organisation that coordinates a global action network of 13 Regional Water Partnerships, over 65 Country Water Partnerships, and over 3500 member organisations. GWP is dedicated to advancing the vision of a water secure world. Alan heads the global secretariat, based in Stockholm.

Alan is also known as an author, songwriter, and innovator in the field of sustainable development. He has been working professionally on sustainability and development issues since 1988. Alan edited one of the first journals dedicated to those topics, was a pioneer in the field of sustainability consulting, and created tools and methods used around the world. He has served in a leadership capacity for several prominent organizations, and has received several awards and honors in connection with his many years of dedicated service to the vision of a sustainable future for people and planet.

This is Alan’s personal website, an archive that includes his blog, information about his books and other writing, and a gateway to all his recorded music as a singer-songwriter and guitarist. All opinions expressed here and in Alan’s public writing are entirely his own.

From 2018-2024, Alan also served as Assistant Director-General of Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. He was part of the agency’s leadership team, represented Sweden in international fora and directed the agency’s work on development finance, research cooperation, civil society, capacity development, innovation and private sector collaboration.

Prior to 2018, as President and CEO of the consulting firm he founded in 1992, Alan worked as a strategic advisor, speaker, and trainer in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. He led a global network of affiiated consultancies and organisations, published several books, worked in over 50 countries, and advised numerous governments, leading companies, global NGOs, and the United Nations. He also co-founded a pioneering NGO (Sustainable Seattle), directed a think-tank on sustainable economics (Redefining Progress), led the global Earth Charter Initiative through a two-year period of transition, and served six years as President of the International Network of Resource Information Centers, also known as the “Balaton Group”.

For more information, see Alan’s detailed professional biography.

For information about Alan’s books and writing, click here >>

For information about Alan’s music, albums and songs, click here >>

Read Alan’s personal blog >>